
The international legal framework for the legality of the use of force in combating international terrorism

Mustafa fadhil

International law is an ever-evolving set of rules and principles that bind the nations of the world together. International law is enforced by the United Nations and other international organizations to promote global peace and security. The United Nations has a committee that discusses new laws and conventions to combat global problems. One of these conventions enhances global efforts to combat terrorism and limits the use of force against suspected terrorists.

The authorization to use force against suspected terrorists in Afghanistan and Iraq was under the authority of United Nations Security Council resolutions. These resolutions allow member states to use force in cases of international terrorism, aggression, or kidnapping. The use of force against these threats is necessary to maintain global peace and security, because terrorists They are willing to sacrifice lives, money and business to achieve their goals. The use of force in combating international terrorism is necessary when no other means is possible, Cooperation between different international organizations was necessary when imposing sanctions on countries that support international terrorism, and this includes countries that have direct or indirect trade relations with these countries, and any country can report any suspicious activity related to international terrorism to an organization such as the Financial Action Task Force ( FATF), and this prevents rich countries from protecting terrorists and their financial backers by restricting bank transfers within international borders. The appointment of specialists within each organization increases the efficiency of the fight against international terrorism.

The use of force against international terrorism is strictly limited to situations of self-defense, and is subject to various legal restrictions. The right of self-defense applies when an individual, group or nation is attacked without their consent or knowledge.
Thus, if an individual or a nation believes that he is being targeted without his consent, he can take military action to defend himself, in common law, this concept is referred to as a just cause or legal justification for the use of force when defending national interests or individuals.
International cooperation has been essential in combating international terrorism because it threatens global peace and security. As far as we know, there have been no terrorist attacks on United Nations headquarters or other peaceful targets since the 1960s except for those launched by Palestinian militants. We have come to a point where we muster the courage to outlaw terrorism. Now is the time for us to work together to prevent future atrocities committed in the name of global conflict and hate by scholars and academics in accordance with international law.

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